Sunday, February 28, 2016

Le Bread Days @ SS2 - the ever famous Salted Egg Yolk Croissant

a lazy saturday~ baby sis and i, together with baby Kerry...
went to hunt for the ever famous salted egg yolk croissant~
ever famous salted egg yolk croissant
where is it?
Le Bread Days @ SS2

Friday, February 26, 2016

Softcore @ Bandar Sunway - the Molten Cake expert

ever since my baby Kerry was born, i've never go out with any friends by myself...
not only that i couldn't leave him alone, but also because not everyone can really understand that babies will cry most of time they need something...
more so babies will give us many surprises, like poo poo or vomiting milk...
well~ i'm not complaining... 
i'm just understanding that my friends do not need to bear with the hassle... =)
anyway, there are also some exceptional...
i went out for some salted egg yolk goodness the other day with baby Kerry and uncle Kenseh...
the salted egg yolk goodness
 this uncle Kenseh of baby Kerry is always my makan-mate before baby Kerry was born...
and thank God, he is still my makan-mate even with baby Kerry around...
the first time we makan together was KFC take away at my place~
then, we decided to give this goodness a try...
- Softcore @ Bandar Sunway -

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Haraju-Cube @ Empire Damansara - 吃蜜糖土司的好去处

hmm... 确实!我大部分时间都是自己和宝宝两个人在家而已,但一点都不会闷!
原因很简单~ 宝宝足以让我每一分每一秒都过得很充(忙)实(碌)...
by the way,自己带小孩一点都不辛苦~
为了庆祝,我和肥妹,带着宝宝来到了有名的 -- Haraju-Cube~
 Haraju-Cube 在 Empire Damansara已经好长一段时间...
这一天,也许是weekday 下午的关系吧!