Monday, April 28, 2014

橘子 -- 猫爱上幸福,鱼怎会知道

“想起一个人...... 是因为对方不在身边了才会想他吧?这样就算幸福的话,也已经是过去式了呀。”

没想到从 Family Trip 4.0 回来写的第一篇竟然是小说读后感... 好久没有一鼓作气把书看完,不是因为没有好书,而是因为没有时间... 在多巴湖的两天,多谢那场大雨,更谢谢那里的宁静,让我一口气把橘子的《猫爱上幸福,鱼怎会知道》给看完!

故事讲述一对相恋六年的情侣,因为一些意外,因为年轻而错过了彼此... 在分手四年后,他们重逢,却身边都已有别人... 过程起起落落,尝试忘记的过去和伤痛再一次泉涌而出,让原本稍微平静的心又泛起了涟漪... 兜兜转转的,结果......

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Le Lapin Cafe, Taman Danau Desa, KL

< Permanently CLOSED >

大约两个月前,参与了人生第一场 bridal shower...
什么是 bridal shower?
bridal shower 就是一个 blessing ceremony...
Le Lapin Cafe
馆主,Eliza 真的很 helpful...
就这样,大家在那一天下午,来到了 Le Lapin Cafe~
Le Lapin Cafe

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Seeties Getaway Treat Campaign: 10 FREE Stays

Seeties, a new platform for us to share about things we like...
from great food & drinks, nice outdoor attractions, beauty products to any arts & crafts...
apart from Facebook, Instagram and blog which i'm quite active on~
i'm honored to be invited to join their Seetizen Expert Program...
and now, they are giving out 10 FREE Stays at different private villas...

Seeties Getaway Treat Campaign
to participate in this campaign, click the link below for more information:

if you are already a Seetizen, don't forget to follow me... =)

if you are not a Seetizen yet, join them now at 

let's have fun and share all the fun with the world~
it's all about SHARING...
sharing is caring!!