Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Acme Bar & Coffee, The Troika

Selamat Hari Raya everyone~
it is a bliss driving in KL during Raya holiday...
despite the terrible haze, this holiday is just so perfect...
it started with a happy breakfast, or i should call it a brunch~
at this always wanted to visit cafe -- ABC...
Acme Bar & Coffee
 i got a shock when we arrived at their door step...
there was quite a long queue...
we then found out we arrived just on time...
they just started their business hours, though it's public holiday but it's still a weekday~ =D
reception counter
 i like their reception very much...
modern design with classic decoration...

Monday, July 14, 2014

Podgy & The Banker, Sri Hartamas

那天一早,on 了skype 没多久就收到同事 send 过来的 cafe list...
看了list 才猛然想起自己其实到过这一家咖啡馆~
Podgy & The Banker
位于Sri Hartamas 主要两排店的角落...

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Unforgettable Birthday at Sassorosso, Lorong Yap Kwan Seng, KL

i turned 28 officially one and a half months ago...
it was now the most unforgettable one as it marked one of the biggest moments in my life...
i love you
 it wasn't too difficult to guess why it was the most unforgettable one right?
yes! it's the proposal... *shy*
we are in the midst of planning for our wedding...
everything started just so naturally and the proposal wasn't the first surprise...
he brought me to the bridal shop straight, that was the first surprise from him...
and then he brought me along to choose the proposal ring...
ya~ i know... so not romantic right?